Eugenics, Euthenics and Mothercraft Image #1 Transcript
2 lecture periods per week. Lecture periods were taken up with oral reports given by the students about the child health and child welfare institutions that they visited in the Christmas vacation. The work of the Women’s Institutes particularly in Ontario was given to the Homemaker. [Institution names are listed in areas around this explanatory text.] Mothercraft Centre, Mohawk Institute, School for Girls – Galt [training school], University Settlement, Preventorium Day Nursery, School for Blind, Orphanages, School for Deaf, Mental Hospital Orillia.1(footnote)
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Eugenics, Euthenics and Mothercraft Image #2 Transcript
Mothercraft, Final Examination, 1934-1935 (Part B examiner Miss M.A. Clarke)
Question One. Who are any two of the following, in what phase of child welfare are they particularly interested and where do they work: - Dr. Frederick Tisdall, Dr. Helen M[a]cMurchy, Judge Mott, Dr. W.E. Blatz2(footnote)
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Mothercraft and Child Development Image #3 Transcript
Lecture 3. Moral Development of the child. Meaning and nature of moral character. Stages in moral development.
Lecture 6. Constructive Discipline – Meaning. Attitudes that are essential in the parents. Things to be avoided such as oversolicitude, inconsistency, nagging, etc.
Lecture 7. Punishment – aims in punishing. General Principles in Methods of punishment. Possible dangers of punishment. Examples of problem cases with suggestions for treatment.
Lecture 8. Prevention of and treatment of undesirable habits such as thumb-sucking, nail-biting, enuresis (bed wetting) and undesirable eating and sleeping habits.3(footnote)
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